tracker music playlist for him!

this is a lil page for Bevel, my cool robot oc!

he was made in january 2023 and i love him

"What's a tracker?"

A tracker is a mostly obsolete but not forgotten precursor to the digital audio workspace. Trackers tend to use hex editors and waveforms as opposed to placing notes on a scale. The first true tracker program was "The Ultimate Soundtracker" from 1987 for the Amiga, created by Karsten Obarski, and that which has inspired Bevel's appearance. After Soundtracker was pirated (cracked) and distributed and edited, many trackers were created and thus an entire scene rose up. Tracker music is characterized by its unique sound (often chiptune) and limitations. Many people still use trackers today, but they are far from mainstream.

"Why is he named Bevel?"

Bevel's head is, well, beveled! The Wikipedia page puts it pretty well